Thursday, July 14, 2011

no rest for the worker bee...

what a crazy week it has been... As I have mentioned before, I work full time at a hospital, part time at a gym as well as being a full time parent, girlfriend, socialite, etc. I think it's catching up with me. I'm feeling the need to rest...
Okay, feeling better, I have to share some gym experiences that have been adding up. Not only do I work there, but I work out there. In fact, I've been a member for 5 1/2 years. It's a great gym and I love working out. It's my sanctuary. I put my ear buds in, watch some HBO to go while I'm on cardio and then Pandora radio for some GirlTalk mashups. I'm strictly all business when I'm a patron. I have very little time to chat, I have to get in, work out, and go get my kids. When I'm working, that is a different story....
I work every Saturday from 8-2. I work for little money, but it covers my membership and a little extra money, so it's all good. I bust my butt in those 6 hours, I wash mirrors, equipment, fill the water jug, pick up know, I'm working as a mom!!  The best part is while I'm doing all those duties, my ears and eyes are completely open. I listen to conversations, I watch people's behaviors, I watch people watch people. If I were majoring in Sociology, this would be a great case study. One conversation that really caught my attention was between the youth of our world, the generation that would be making decisions regarding my healthcare when I'm older, potentially raising my taxes in the years to come, they were talking about girls. These boys were talking about a friend of theirs who broke up with his girlfriend only to get back with her a couple days later. They kept going on and on about if you break up, stay broken up, don't get sucked back in...blah blah blah. There was a little bit of high five-ing going on and "what a dumb@$$" until I saw a light bulb go off in one of these all knowing teenagers...he turns to the guy who brought up the topic to begin with and said "wait a minute, didn't you break up with your girlfriend only to turn around and get back together with her 2 days later?" To that the busted boy replied, "yeah, but that's different, I was going on vacation and didn't want to be tied down, I knew I would get back with her when I got home."
The wisdom of our youth. I'm sure this story was funnier when I was listening, but hopefully it will give all of us with boys perspective into what we have in store!!


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